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Friday, July 1, 2011

So so so, Alex has had TWO cups of coffee today and decided....

She is participating in next year's Day Of Silence. It's national date next year is April 20. It's a Friday, so I'll want to speak so much. Alex believes in change, though. I'll not speak a word. Maybe I won't even blog about it until the next day. Alex is really excited about it. She's scared, though. Who will decide to hate her for it? Hopefully no one. Who will change their minds and love her for it? That I don't know.
I'm excited. Really excited. Uber excited.
I dunno what else to say... Really, honestly. I'm excited because this will be the first time I planned to stand up for something I believe in. It's...AMAZING.
I'm freezing cold, though.
I probably shouldn't be so excited.XD Haha.

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