
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, June 13, 2011

Still 130.

Liquids tomorrow? Running before I gotta go to CDT? Coffee for breakfast? Yes, yes, and still YES.
I will not break.
These are the days where I feel alive, where losing is awesome.
I need to lose weight. I want to break 129 before my birthday (the 27th). When I walk into CDT that day, I want to stumble because I haven't eaten much since today. I want to run and  run until it hurts to breathe. Every-single-day.
One day, I want to be 110. And, if I can, even lower than that.
You see, I feel complete. This is my lover.
Sadly, I have disappointed. 1328 calories. I so thought I would please myself by being lower than that. This is why I'm stuck at 130-129. They're virtually the same thing.
Tomorrow, though, when I weigh myself, I will be 129. Maybe even 128. I will be lighter. I will be lighter.
There are some things a girl needs. Mine is a good book and to be less. Weight, food, needing.
It's not so much about the weight anymore. It's more about the lack of eating. The way it makes me feel pure. The loss of weight just shows that I've been good at this.

P.S. I'm just trying to complicate my life, I think. Everything should be smooth, so why do I feel the need to scar these body parts, forget to eat, drink too much water? Everything should be perfect. Except me. I'm never good enough for the moment I'm living in. And that makes me feel something most people go their whole lives without feeling. I just don't know the name for it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're feeling so complete and positive :)
    I know what you mean about it being about the lack if food and not directly about the weight. Ever since mum took my scale (which I still haven't found -_-) it's been more about that.
    You are good enough :) well I think you are :)
    Lottie x
