
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lookie, now I can pester you guys mobilely also.
anyway, just on to say 191.5 calories. THAT'S ALL I've had. And I took a nap after (bad). SO I'm shakey. It's ok. I'm enjoying it. It' almost. The world around me seems light, almost fluffy. Bet I'm below 129.
When I reach 120, I'm gonna peirce my lip. Even if I have to hide it from my parents. When I hit 120, I'll be lighter, thinner, and probably able to fit into this skirt I have. When I'm 120, I'll walk around school, scars showing, and not give a DAMN that they think I'm weak. Because I'll be stronger than all of them.

Lottie: I hope they quit pestering me too. If you want to do it, then you should. If anything, you can say it as a fun way to kill calories. I feel amazing. Maybe that's why I thought I was ready for recovery. I feel amazing hungry.


  1. Which part of your lip are you wanting to pierce? And there are clear retainer things for some piercings. They're clear and one of those may hide a piercing. I've seen some for noses and monroes. I don't remember where though. And are you planning on piercing it yourself? I did my nose and monroe. And anyone who starts cutting and quits is stronger than anyone who has never cut and never had to struggle to quit. You will be stronger than all of them. You probably already are. Stay strong.

  2. I agree with Kes, if you're able to stop cutting for good then you're strong than most people will ever be. That takes true strength.

    What kind of lip ring do you want? I have a Monroe, but I got it done in a shop (there's no way I could do it to myself like Kes lol), and you can find clear rings for any piercings on eBay and stuff. For really cheap!
