
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Teen Drama

I think I'm living one. Rumors about me being a "hard-core, woman chasing lesbian" are circulating. I'm ok with this, though. I was upset, almost ready to cry, but I know what's right and what isn't.
Happy news: I'm taking my brother to the airport in about three hours. I'm feeling pretty awesome despite the drama.
Bad news: I've cut. A lot.
Anna and L.G. are making me feel loved, though. They're amazing. I asked Anna how she knew she was bi. Because I think I've always been. That I've always loved Cassie, but been attracted to guys. I wish I could say she's my soul-mate, but she's completely into guys. But there was no real reason for us to become friends.
I'm drinking low calorie Gatorade! Only 45 calories. Which, because I'm trying to get better, am totally cool with. Who cares if it's more than 20 calories!? It's GATORADE! Haha, I like Gatorade.
A lot of nothing happened today. I'm still 129. Which is pretty awesome. I feel thinner.
Anna and I are talking about past loves. I haven't gotten the nerve to say I loved Cassie, but I said I did when I was five. She's been in love twice. I've only felt it once. I'm still feeling it.
I know she doesn't read this, or at least I hope she doesn't, but I wish Cassie understood that I stay up, feeling lovesick because of her. Right now, I just wanna curl up and not feel anything. I've got it bad for her. Always did. That's why I got jealous of her boyfriend. Now I wanna talk to her and it's one thirty in the morning. Haha, screw my luck.
Alright, I'm gonna go do something.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about te rumours, they don't mean anything really and will be forgotten soon :)
    Glad your feeling better and thinner :)
    Sorry about cassie :/
    Sorry I haven't commented in a while, but I've read all your posts :)
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x
